Welcome to the Wetland Biogeochemistry Lab at VCU!
We study tidal marshes (#1 most common word in our manuscripts) and other wetlands (5), focusing on rates (2) of processes in the soil (4). In general, we study the biogeochemical cycling of a variety of elements [including carbon (3), nitrogen, and iron (6)] in wetlands, with an emphasis on understanding how wetlands and their biogeochemical cycles respond to a changing environment. Environmental changes – including saltwater intrusion, sea level rise, and changes in nutrient/sediment inputs from watersheds – are likely to impact the cycling of elements within wetlands, the ability of tidal wetlands to keep pace with rising sea levels, and the effects that these systems have on global climate. In addition to studying disturbances, we are also taking advantage of a large-scale tidal wetland restoration project at VCU's field station, the Rice Rivers Center, as another vehicle for learning how wetlands respond to environmental changes.
This website contains information on research projects we are conducting (Research) and some of our findings (Publications). The work described here would not have been possible without the hard and sustained work from many students, technicians, postdocs, and faculty colleagues from VCU and other institutions (People). Even through we have challenging days in the field and lab, we work in some truly beautiful places and generally have a good time (Photos). Check back regularly to keep up with what's going on in and around the lab (News).
Our research would not have been possible without the generous support from research grants provided by the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Energy; financial support from VCU and the University of South Carolina; and instrument purchase funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia's Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund (HEETF). Thank you!
Word cloud showing relative frequency of words that appear in my published articles and book chapters as of mid-2016 (excluding numbers and common words such as "the," "and," and "in"; created at tagxedo.com).